Vol 4 No 1 2010

Excerpts from 4th Period English

Verónica, talking

Matthew, talking

Vicente, talking

Aurelia, talking

Kimberly, talking quietly

Judith Arcana writes poems, stories, essays and books. The poems in this issue of Studio are part of 4th Period English, her new chapbook collection that works like a play – poems in the voices of characters (mostly US high school students) talking about immigration and related themes. You can download notes for discussion, writing and performance here.

Judith’s books include Grace Paley’s Life Stories, A Literary Biography, a study of the internationally respected writer/activist who died in 2007, and What if your mother, a collection of poems and monologues about motherhood with a focus on reproductive justice. Her work has appeared widely in journals and anthologies (including the first issue of Studio) for 35 years; she’s a poetry editor at ON THE ISSUES, The Progressive Women’s Magazine.

Born and raised in the Great Lakes region, Judith lives now in the Pacific Northwest. Visit her website: http://www.juditharcana.com/.

Judith Arcana